10 Strange Dogs Of The World

Dogs are considered close friends of people so you may think you know all about dog. However, the truth is not necessarily so. Below is a list of 10 dog you may never see.

1. Puli Dog
The dogs are very intelligent and energetic can be trained to shepherd. Puli dog is unique in the natural hair braided coiled tightly together that the dog looks like a cleaning brush. Scientists do not know the origin of the Puli dog, there is evidence to this dog was over 6000 years old. 

2. Xoloitzcuintli Dog ( or Xolo Dog)
Xolo dog not only strange because the skin without hair, but also a long neck, ears of bat, shadow eyes, round body as fat. They have existed for a long time and originated from Mexico. Even the ancient Aztecs religion Xolo dogs as holy animals.

3. Lundehund Dog
Lundehund dog has many different physical characteristics of different dog. One of them is that every foot of it has 6 fingers. Lundehund dog is a hunting dog in Norway; at first they are trained to hunters albatross. In 1963 only 6 Lundehund dogs alive, but the present species Lundehund has reached at least 1500 dogs.

4. Chinese Crested Dog
This dog has a unique appearance is almost always won the ugliest dog position in the beauty contest for dogs. This is because the body has no hair except for a cap on the head crest looked like chickens, a little in the tail and a little at the toes. Hairless skin so they are very sensitive and need protection when outdoors.

5. Catahoula Dog
Catahoula dogs are unique in that they are capable of climbing trees to hunt for prey. People believe that this is one of the oldest dog in North America. The ability of a great hunt, its always been praised Native Americans. These dogs named according to its place of origin, region of Louisiana Catahoula, USA. Catahoula very healthy dog can be trained into hunting dogs, police dogs or family dogs.

6. Neapolitan Mastiff Dog
Huge body of Neapolitan Mastiff dog weighing 70 kg on average and 0.8 meters high. Neapolitan Mastiff dogs participated in the war in the Roman legions. After World War II, they are nearly extinct. This dog can protect your family very well.

7. Bedlington Dog
Bedllington dogs have a pear-shaped, triangular ears and curly hair like wool. For short hair, so they can scour every room and is very good hunting dogs. 

8. LowChen Dog
LowChen is one of the rare and expensive dog in the world. They often have long hair and very smooth, no body hair behind. LowChen dogs are very friendly and intelligent.

9. Bergamasco Dog
This dog has twisted hair to look like fish scales. The coat is actually made ​​up of three different types of hairs which are very thick and very warm. 

10. Affenpinscher Dog
This little dog looks like a primate and a very active


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